Wednesday, 1 January 2014

100 Things to Do in 2014

I am not one for new years resolutions. I have made them in the past and watched others do the same and just to find that we all give up or .... forget about them a week later. I was playing around on Facebook and I saw a friend write about how she was doing a 100 things to do in 2014 list and it was inspiring and I decided to do the same!

  1.  Get to the Scentsy Spring Sprint 
  2. Go to a Thrive convention - Missed it but better luck next year.
  3. Get my learners 
  4. Take driving lessons. Either professional or from friends
  5. Start Jogging or yoga - I did start jogging! Was going once a week to the track and ran 5k as a goal with my friend. Unfortunately she had to stop but my husband and I started going to the gym. So I think that counts!
  7. Give blood
  8. Paint the house (or what needs to be) 
  9. Give the kitchen a makeover 
  10. Go through and edit and reprint all my poetry. Also maybe add some to here. 
  11. Start a wine collection 
  12. Fix my teeth
  13. Take the dog out more.
  14. Play with the kids more 
  15. Go on a vacation either big or small - done! My husband and I took a little trip - just the 2 of us - to Edmonton. It was an amazing few days!
  16. Take the kids on date nights. 
  17. Go hiking 
  18. Start School - I did start school! I started my upgrading and finished my grade 11 and 12 English. I am now just working on math. 
  19. Try geocaching 
  20. Visit with friends more
  21. Start saving money! For the family, even teach the kids to save money. We all need to as a whole. 
  22. Get a credit check and start pay off debt, personally. We have been doing this with my hubby's but not mine.
  23. Buy 1 christmas gift at least each month and do it all through a home base or local business
  24. Grow my garden - I have been a little this year. We have carrots, kale, lettuce, turnip, beans and peas now, just to name a few.
  25. Get chickens - DONE! We got 5 hens. They are laying hens and the kids adore them.
  26. Plan a girls night out 
  27. Ride on a roller coaster - This i actually did! When we were in Edmonton we went to Edmonton mall and i got the pleasure of going on not just 1 but all the roller coasters there.

  28. Learn to do my own taxes 
  29. Go on a hunting trip 
  30. Learn to shoot and start teaching the kids
  31. Do lots of canning
  32. Give up 1 bad habit 
  33. Try a new food 
  34. See an optometrist and finally get glasses
  35. See a movie on opening night 
  36. Lose 20 pounds ... gotta have some sort of weight loss on here lol - Well this one is a bit of a bust. My husband I started going crossfit. I am loosing a lot of inches but with so much muscle gain, my weight has not changed much. So i will cross this one off because I have now learned its not the I need to think about.
  37. Get over photo shyness and get more pictures of myself 
  38. Cook with the kids more 
  39. Keep a better curb appeal with my house 
  40. Keep up on hair cuts 
  41. Drink more water and/or tea - I have been drinking tons of water! Now with regular gym days, I keep up with my water very well.
  42. Get family photo's 
  43. See a comedy act 
  44. Turn the TV off more
  45. Build a Thrive 3 month food supply Get my PAL (gun license) 
  46. Read more 
  47. Have 1 no electronics day 
  48. Go for a couple massages and at least once to the chiropractor 
  49. Get a mani/ Pedi - I got a gift certificate for my bday for a mani/pedi! it was GREAT!
  50. Buy family bikes 
  51. Make emergency candles 
  52. Write a thank you letter to my mom 
  53. Spend a day at the beach 
  54. Get over a fear 
  55. Have a game night or numerous 
  56. Go swimming/ teach the kids to swim 
  57. Plan a honeymoon 
  58. Have a birthday party - This day has past and I did not and my birthday was horrible. Better luck next year =(
  59. Call the family once a month at least 
  60. Make a signature recipe to bring to family dinners 
  61. Declutter my computer, including pictures 
  62. Complete 5 random acts of kindness 
  63. Buy myself flowers often 
  64. Write a poem 
  65. Be part of my first nations band more 
  66. Go organic or partially on 5 more things 
  67. Learn to sew
  68. Upgrade something around the house 
  69. Dine at 5 new restaurants 2out of 5  ( Domo Japan, The flying Canoe)
  70. send out christmas cards 
  71. BLOG more!! - Well that hasn't worked out so far but maybe now?
  72. start a family recipe book 
  73. Keep a chore list - This I have been doing. I will post links when i find them again but I also have a meal planning chart and a freezer inventory list now.
  74. Do something special for my hubby - I planned a HUGE surprise birthday dinner for him. All his friends came and it was a great night.
  75. Recycle more 
  76. Compost more - I have been composting a ton. I have even started a manure pile for my chickens waste.
  77. go to bed by 11 each night - This hasn't worked out so well, mostly with my insomnia spells but i still work on it. 
  78. Go to a concert - I got to see my cousins band Head of the Herd.
  79. Buy the full cocorosie collection 
  80. Buy a piece of art
  81. Build my greenhouse - Done! Got a nice green house and I have my tomato's, my fall garden starters and melons in now!
  82. Build my herb garden
  83. Make a bunch of freezer meals 
  84. start a family tradition
  85. Stock up the wood pile 
  86. Shop from the farmers market more or just locally more often
  87. Do a full strict pull up
  88. Learn to do double unders
  89. Plan a big BBQ
  90. Put down my phone more.
  91. Get new shoes and clothes
  92. Get all the kids teeth done and keep up with regular check ups. (Leland DONE)
  93. Do a 30 day fitness challenge once a month  
  94. Continue on going to the gym 2-3 times a week
  95. Also start regular meal preppingFinish a few math courses.
  96. See my mom
  97. organize my filing cabinet
  98. Put the kids in some sort of extra curricular activity
  99. slowly go paleo
  100. Drink less coffee (no more then 2 cups a day) 

 I think some of these are a bit rushed, so I may change a few if I think of better things to add but this is my list so far! To work on #46 - BLOG MORE, I want to try and blog about as many of these as I can also.

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