Friday, 17 October 2014

Canning Salmon ... a lot of salmon

Living on Vancouver Island we get lots of perks. Not only is it paradise here (when it is not raining,) we have a bountiful supply of local recourses. One major one is fish. When fishing season is around we stock up. We are lucky enough to get enough fish to last the family for a hole year, if not more.
We keep hole fish and steak some up for meals, we fillet them for smoking, we can a lot and we can some of the smoked fish. There are endless possibilities with salmon.

I have never used the pressure canner alone before, actually this is only my second time canning salmon but I had success! I preplanned and studies the pressure canning book and called my mom and law and my grandma just for extra reassurance.

We got all the fish during the summer, so we precut and froze it all and I planned to do it all when my hubby was on his hunting trip. I got half done but I came down with a nasty cold while he was gone, so I did it in two.
The first day I canned 2.5 batches of pints and then I continued a week later with 3 batches of pints. I ran out of the pints but the bigger jars are nice for full meals. For a total of 61 jars of canned salmon!

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